Thursday, January 9, 2020

Computer Science Computers Are Useless - 1061 Words

Cole Miller Mrs. Bosse Honors English 11 25 January 2015 Computer Science According to Pablo Picasso, â€Å"Computers are useless. They can only give you answers.† There is much more than the computer involved with the process of giving you the answers. This is where computer science comes in, from making the computers to the programs. Computer scientist not only have to know how the computer works but, they must also know all the programming languages that come along with them from HTML to C++. Computer scientists require a vast knowledge from programming to computer parts to be successful at what they do. At first, the computer was just a massive device used to compute simple tasks that a human could do with ease. The first real computer was the ENIAC system, which was a computer that filled up an entire room with its parts. It was used as a giant calculator with the functions of adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing and square rooting. It was an advancement because they used base ten numbers instead of binary, a number syst em consisting of zeroes and ones that the computer can interpret with it being decompiled. With that advancement and the increase in technology, the computer evolved into today’s computers. Today’s computer consist of many different parts each having a different importance. The most important part being the motherboard. It is like the brain of a computer, the motherboard is where all the components of the computer connect up to. It also holds theShow MoreRelatedMyself As A Philosopher Essay1344 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"utilitarian†, because I did not even try to think that if there is a standard to judge rightness and wrongness. Therefore, I thought the philosophy is useless, because I did not understand what people can really get from it. In addition, another reason that I believe philosophy is useless is that the friends around me think it is boring and useless. 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